Tested and proven effective pike spears.


2020-2021 Spearing Season Give Away

Please WIN ME!!! I am serial number FF050. I am a 6 tine spear with my spear head made out of AR400 Steel and my tines are expertly ground. My handle is C018 Carbon Steel, and I have a 1” Stainless line tie welded on the end of my handle. I am sporting a gun blued finish, and protected with a clear coat of paint.


Throughout the spearing season (and I am ending this at the end of the Michigan Hardwater spearing season), get an entry into the drawing for this spear by submitting/posting a picture of any legally speared fish with one of my spears to my social media platforms (should be a link to those somewhere on this website, top right of the page on a PC). Since there are multiple different regulations on limits in different states and lakes, I am limiting to two entries per day.

Submitting/posting photos will give me the rights to use them as an advertisement.

Standard seven tine pike spear.

Five tine pike spear headed to Colorado where they’re only allowed a 10” ice hole.

Five tine pike spear headed to Colorado where they’re only allowed a 10” ice hole.

Three tine pike spear.

Custom special order spears.

Single tine spear with a red paint job.

First timer with his first pike on a Finch spear.

First timer with his first pike on a Finch spear.

Proven effective on big and small pike.

Finch Fabrication branded spear covers. Handles covered with PVC to protect them during shipping.

Finch Fabrication branded spear covers. Handles covered with PVC to protect them during shipping.


Big pike harvested with a Finch Fabrication spear. Video by Tradewell Decoys and Friday Night Pikes

Questions about my spears or want to get on my list? Fill out the form below..